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商品名稱: 注意坦克 星光行動 - 沃格科諾夫卡 1942 Achtung Panzer Operation Star Volokonovka 1942 Expansion

商品分類: DVD電腦遊戲

商品類型: RTS即時戰略遊戲軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2012-04-20


1. Install Achtung Panzer Operation Star (required to play this)
2. Run k43t_apos_addon_volokonovka_1942_(summer)_eng.exe from the DVD
and extract the content into a folder of your own choice
5. Run k43t_apos_update_district_taranovka_rakitnoe_dec11_eng.exe from
the UPDATE folder on the DVD and extract the content into a folder
of your own choice
3. Run k43t_apos_patch_07b_(dec11_eng).exe from the UPDATE folder on
the DVD and extract the content into a folder of your own choice
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder on this DVD, to the
installation location of the main game and overwrite
5. Start the game and select the UPDATE option from the main menu
6. Select INSTALL and choose your location of your extracted content
and (do this for the addon and both updates)
A. In the window that appears, click "Install" button and select
"CORE\desc.addpack" file in folder with unpacked addon or update.
B. Wait for the installation (take quite some time)
C. When you're done with the installation of the addon and updates,
click SAVE AND PLAY button
D. Play the game
E. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

光行動》(Achtung Panzer: Operation Star),時間背景設定在前作的戰事之前,蘇軍為奪回

Volokonovka 1942是2012年1月15日發佈的的一款新DLC。不僅增加了一個新的夏季行動區域——

Addon VOLOKONOVKA-1942(summer) for game "Achtung Panzer Operation Star"


A new summer area of operations - the village of Volokonovka.

Two new operations for the Red Army and Wermacht during Operation Blau
(july 1942)


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