林清華  鋼之鍊金術師
商品名稱: Gaussian 09 v7.0 Rev A 02

商品分類: 未分類程式

商品類型: 量子化學軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2012-02-08


Gaussian 09是Gaussian系列產品的最新版本,用來進行電子結構計算。Gaussian 09是

Gaussian 09 is the latest version of the Gaussian
series of electronic structure programs, used by
chemists, chemical engineers, biochemists,
physicists and other scientists worldwide. Starting
from the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics,
Gaussian 09 predicts the energies, molecular
structures, vibrational frequencies and molecular
properties of molecules and reactions in a wide
variety of chemical environments. Gaussian 09's
models can be applied to both stable species and
compounds which are difficult or impossible to
observe experimentally (e.g., short-lived
intermediates and transition structures).

Gaussian 09 provides the most advanced modeling
capabilities available today, and it includes many
new features and enhancements which significantly
expand the range of problems and systems which can
be studied. With Gaussian 09, you can model larger
systems and more complex problems than ever before,
even on modest computer hardware.


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