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商品名稱: Google SketchUp Pro v7.1.6860

商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體

商品類型: 3D建模軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-06-26



的首個Google版本的 Sketchup。 Google Sketchup能夠讓你自由的創建3D模型,同時還可
以將你自己的製作成果發佈到Google Earth上和其他人共享,或者是提交到Google's
3D Warehouse。當然你也能從Google's 3D Warehouse哪兒得到想要的素材,以此作為創作
於滿足客戶的要求外,漫畫家、??? -? □?sup2;?Eacute;來代替大量重複背景的繪製。
Google SketchUp Pro 6 讓你能在照片中建立3D 模型或者使現有的模型和背景照片相匹
配,給予手繪效果和霧效,並可以使用3D文字,標誌和水印來在模型上做標記。 使用新的
風格工具欄,你可以非常容易的選擇不同的顯示設定,並且將它保存和分享。 因為新特性
加入,你將得到對場景更好的控制操作, 增加編輯的方式——例如現在你可以在旋轉,推

Google SketchUp Pro is a simple but powerful tool for
exploring and presenting your ideas in 3D. SketchUp
Pro is everything traditional CAD software isn't --
quick to learn and intuitive to use.

Create 3D Models
Using SketchUp Pro, you can create 3D models, either
by starting from scratch or by using existing data.
Import drawings, CAD plans, photos, aerial imagery and
other information, then use the modeling tools in
SketchUp Pro to develop your ideas into 3D.

Add data to your model
Within SketchUp Pro, you have the ability to add
attributes to your model with Dynamic Components. At
any point, create a report summarizing the attribute
data in your model. Use these reports to extract
quantities and take-offs throughout the evolution of
your model.

Export and Share
Some projects require the use of traditional CAD
applications or renderering applications to develop
construction drawings, photo-realistic images or to
share information. SketchUp Pro can export your 3D
model in a number of 2D and 3D formats for use with
other applications.

Present and Document
For many of your projects, SketchUp Pro, which
includes LayOut, is all you will need. LayOut is the
2D companion to SketchUp Pro for creating deliverables
like permit and construction drawings, presentation
documents and full-screen digital presentations.


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